Sustainable and trusted service...
mayo stone supplies

Mayo Stone, taking safety seriously!

We recently put a number of our team through the IOSH, Managing Safely Course.

All individuals learned vast amounts about Health & Safety in the workplace and it will allow us (across 3 different departments) to apply this knowledge to our work and in turn help our customers by continuing to provide excellent services whilst taking Health & Safety seriously.

Here’s what our MD, Patrick Walsh had to say…

The IOSH Managing Safely course has helped myself and team at Mayo Stone massively. I can speak to prospects in more confidence and depth about Health & Safety and when I refer to the course they are either interested in how it was or we even compare our thoughts and opinions as they have also done it! One of our core values is ‘Continuous Improvement’. Overall, it will benefit our business and customers, I would recommend it to anyone with a responsibility to managing safely. Thank you to Compass Skills Training, Chorley for delivering the course. Mayo Stone is committed to continuous improvement of it’s practices and more importantly it’s people. Be rest assured, whether its aggregates or grab hire, safety comes first!

IOSH Managing Safely fact sheet for more information.
